
Schools across Siskiyou County are competing in the Perfect Attendance Challenge in hopes of improving attendance and student engagement.  All we need to do to win is have the greatest growth in attendance from one month to the next. Did I mention that the monthly winners get $1,000?! The winning school gets major bragging rights for the whole month and has recognition across the county. This is a huge deal this year. We want to win! 

We will be having a weekly drawing every Monday for students who had perfect attendance the week before. The drawn student will win a prize. The weekly names will then be put into a monthly drawing. 

Please encourage your children to be at school on time every day! 

This month's winner is Caedyn! Caedyn is taking home a $25 gift certificate to Burger Barn!  If you see him around campus, give him a high five for being at school every day!