We have some of the best parent volunteers! Working hard to provide our kiddos with rich experiences 🐾💕🐾 Ms. Brenda presented a project for our 3rd and 4th graders before Winter Break.
about 1 month ago, Angela Armenta
More events, such as basketball games, to be added soon. Stay tuned!🐾
about 1 month ago, Angela Armenta
Good evening Wildcats Families! This is Tucker & Jason with next week's updates. Transportation is secured for all week. On Monday please remember to return weekend backpacks. Tutoring is offered for all students each school day from 3:00 to 4:00. Next Wednesday, the 15th, is our first home basketball game. See you here at 5:00! Friday is the special student council luncheon. Happy Friday!
about 1 month ago, Angela Armenta
Extreme Science with Mr. Birch. 7th & 8th grades.
about 1 month ago, Angela Armenta
Trebuchets in 7th/8th grade class! Math and science lessons smashing together resulting in smiles, friendly competition, enjoyment while learning, and bonding.🐾🎯
about 1 month ago, Angela Armenta
Last chance to participate in Winter Break ELO. Today is the last day before regular school resumes on Monday. Hope to see you there!
about 2 months ago, Angela Armenta
7/8 students attending Hamilton... be at school by 6:45 am on Thursday. We will leave at 7:00 sharp. Looking forward to a great trip!
about 2 months ago, Susan Keeler
Perfect Attendance Winners from the month of November! The class with the highest percentage of attendance for the month wins a lunch party! Mr. Parrish's 7/8 class chose a taco bar😋🌮 They gobbled up all the food before we could get a picture🤣 Great job students!! Who is going to win for the month of December? Well find out at tomorrow morning's assembly🐾🐾
2 months ago, Angela Armenta
Coffee conversations and special awards assembly tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. Bring the family and get your morning started off right!
2 months ago, Angela Armenta
Hello DES Families! Our SAFE program will be closing early tomorrow at 2:45 due to staffing and staff meetings. Please make arrangements for students to be picked up by 2:45. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing everyone during ELO and after the New Year. Thank you!
2 months ago, Angela Armenta
Hello Dunsmuir Community! These Christmas trees are up for grabs! First come, no holds, they are next to the curb in our school driveway. Please come on by to grab a fresh tree for your home or a neighbor 🐾☺️🌲
2 months ago, Angela Armenta
It's not too late to sign those permission slip forms and send them back with your students. Thursday: Caroling in Downtown Dunsmuir and a model train display. Friday: Mt. Shasta Ice Skating Rink Fill them out and send them back 🐾
2 months ago, Angela Armenta
Today is the day the kiddos have been waiting for - Pictures with Santa! Don't forget the cookies and hot cocoa too. Join us in the Winter Wonderland in the gym from 4:00 to 6:00. Families can shop the Santa Store too. See you there!
2 months ago, Angela Armenta
pics with Santa
Happening now - Cheerleading info meeting🐾📣 Email pmoss@dunsmuir.k12.ca.us for the details.
2 months ago, Angela Armenta
Calling all 4th-8th grade students interested in cheer! There is an info meeting tomorrow in the SAFE quad from 3:00-4:00. See you there!
2 months ago, Angela Armenta
The typo-catching award goes to our awesome teachers! They noticed the mistake on the original flyer. Our Winter Dance, which is open to families, is happening this TUESDAY. Hope to see all our Wildcats there!
2 months ago, Angela Armenta
Tuesday Winter Dance
These two students share a cheerful message about the coming week, 12/16-12/20/24: Monday: Santa Store opens for students. 3:00-4:00 tutoring Tuesday: Santa Store open for students 3:00-4:00 Special Cheer program info meeting for 4th-8th grade students. 4:00-6:00 Winter school dance for students & families. Wednesday: 4:00-6:00 Pics & cocoa with Santa. Santa Store open to families. Thursday: Field trip to Downtown Dunsmuir. Caroling & model train display Friday: Awards assembly & coffee conversations @ 8:00 a.m. 9:30-noon, field trip to Mt. Shasta ice rink.
2 months ago, Angela Armenta
Week at a glance
Student reps
Winter Dance
Santa Store
Trees for sale
Pics with Santa
Snow plows are out on the freeway, in the city, and on our campus. Today will be a regular start day. Please stay tuned for any changes. Stay safe, and see you soon! Dunsmuir Elementary
2 months ago, Angela Armenta
Our Student Council members worked hard today to collect fresh trees for their 1st Annual Christmas Tree Fundraiser. The attached flyer has all the information. There are a limited number of beautiful trees in a variety of sizes. Thank you for your support!
2 months ago, Angela Armenta
christmas tree fundraiser
These kids are so excited for Family Game Night tomorrow that they wanted to send you a reminder. 5:00-6:30. We hope to see you there!
2 months ago, Angela Armenta
Game night